The Board of Directors consists of community volunteers that share a common goal of supporting small community projects and higher education goals of our young community members and future community leaders.

The Groton Community Club was originally a Parent/School club like a PTA. When the national PTA became an official organization and started requiring membership dues and adopted specific rules, the Groton group broke off and formed the Community Club to stay independent and flexible to their own school's needs. Today, through their fund raising, they still support scholarships for Groton high school seniors going on to further education. The Community Club meets as needed throughout the year either at Emerson's Logging business or the Upper Valley Grill.

The Groton Community Club sponsors the annual World Famous Chicken Pie Supper during Groton's Fall Foliage Festival. In 2022, The Community Club began hosting a BBQ Chicken Fundraiser in February. The proceeds from these funraisers allow us to help sponsor the town Christmas tree, swimming lessons at Boulder Beach on Lake Groton, library programs at the Groton Public Library, college scholarships to Groton's graduating seniors as well as other projects in the community as resources are available. Click on the Links below for more information on these fundraisers.
Chicken Pie Supper Reservation Form
BBQ Chicken Dinner Fundraiser Information

Click below for the Northeast Kingdom Chamber of Commerce Fall Foliage flyer and the Groton Fall Foliage Festival flyer.
Northeast Kingdom Fall Foliage Festival flyer
Groton Fall Foliage Festival Information

Our Services

Scholarship Program

The Groton Community Club conducts two fundraisers each year. The Community Club, realalizing the importance of continuing education and the associated cost, use the proceeds from these events to sponsor scholarshsips for Groton children graduating from Blue Mountain Union School. Each Spring, during Blue Mountain Union Schools's award ceremony, The Groton Community Club presents a scholarship certificate to Groton students which can be redeemed upon their enrollment in a continuing education program. For more information you may contact our Treasurer by email: treasurer@grotoncccc.org

Community Support

The Groton Community Club has provided support for a number of small, yet important community projects over the years. When the club has resources remaining after we have met our financial obligations, we have purchased, new tables and chairs for the Community Building, Curtains for the Community Building stage, storage area renovations and along with donations from community members, installed flag pole light and power supply at the intersection of Scott Highway and Powder Spring Road. Most recently, we have applied for a grant to have a retractable basketball backboard installed in the Community Building Gym so that the stage can be used for productions again. If any community member has a project to suggest, please let us know.
by emailing admin@grotoncccc.org

Chicken Pie Supper

Groton is one of six towns of the Northeast Kingdom which cordially invites you to visit at Fall Foliage time. Each town has its Festival day and the first Saturday in October is Groton's Fall Foliage Festival. A highlight of Groton's festivities is the world famous Chicken Pie Supper at the Groton Community Building where servings start at 4:30 pm and serve every hour on the half hour until 6:30 pm.

Take outs are also available and have pick-up times of 4:45 pm, 5:45 pm and 6:45 pm.

Chicken pies are prepared by community volunteers in their own kitchens. Drivers are then sent out to collect the finished pies. Yet another group of volunteers are in the Community Building kitchen preparing all of the side dishes of vegetables, squash and the like. More volunteers are upstairs in the Community Building gym decorating and setting up tables and chairs. Groton's Fall Foliage Festival and Chicken Pie Supper is truely a community event. Chicken Pie Supper Reservation Form...

Get in touch

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Groton Community Club